Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Happiness According to Winston Churchill

"In order to be happy," said Winston Churchill, "you need to find a task that requires perfection, is impossible to achieve, and spend the rest of your life trying to achieve it."

Internet Fair Use - Winston Churchill in Youth

As an individual endeavor and as a producer, I think that making great art, or preaching the whole counsel of God, fits this expectation of perfection and impossibility, even more than living a personal and honorable life, even more than serving others in a charitable or community cause, even more than the accumulation of wealth. 

Happiness seems to me to be a solitary pursuit, associated with the innermost self, not a social endeavor. I would propose that happiness is not the pursuit of pleasure or leisure or fun as espoused by many.

Perhaps Churchill's contribution in history was perseverance and fortitude and courage and national leadership in inspiring democratic people in the achievement of peace and freedom during and after a great war against all seemingly insurmountable odds. And amidst controversy. And amidst turmoil. And for his endeavor, there was a sense of Duty and Imperative.

Wouldn't it be paradoxical to espouse that he was having fun while accomplishing this endeavor? Did not the drive to accomplish this Noble Cause always still leave a sense of indomitable non-satisfaction? Was this a leisurely pursuit or endeavor?

The "happiness" or "satisfaction" perhaps came more from an alignment of the innermost self to the Noble Cause and expressing the persona in the ensuing and final achievement of making a difference in issues that mattered to him personally and to his people nationally and internationally.

Just thinking on things.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Farmhouse Chairs: Beauty, Grace, and Charm

Had found these two, unlabeled chairs at a yard sale this past weekend for $6.50 each.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 New England Oak Chairs

The oak spindles and lathe-turned detail work are unique.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Chair Detail

I also love the pattern for the caning in the seat.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Seat Caning

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Corner Caning Detail

Suitable for an 1896 farmhouse.

Blood pH: Acid-producing versus Alkaline-producing Foods

As a follow-up to last Thursday's entry on my Daily Walk over the last seven years to recover my health from symptoms related to acid pH blood caused by food selections, I wanted to provide a brief reference to the book The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health by Robert O. Young and Shelly Redford Young.

Internet Fair Use - The pH Miracle Book Cover

I was fortunate to find the book in a health food store as I was searching for more information related to my health concerns. Mostly for me, there was a description of what was going on in the acid and alkaline body balance that was informative, lists of acid-producing and alkaline-producing foods ranked by relative degree, advice on nutritional supplements, and recipes for use. After a quick read, I was immediately able to put the information to practical use.

I highly recommend the book for anyone seeking to reconstitute a healthy food balance for symptoms related to acid and alkaline balance. Basically, the book would suggest to us that all health related symptoms can be traced back to this imbalance. Since I am a natural-born and -bred skeptic, this is a pretty strong recommendation! The applied use of this information changed my quality of life.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Breakfast: A Sunny Table Set for Two

A wonderful sunny day for breakfast on the patio in autumn season.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Geraniums in Sunny Autumn

German apple pancake with fresh peach and honey topping. Lightly drizzled with maple syrup. A special treat prepared by my lovely french wife who reads cookbooks like novels and indicates "recipes are really just good as a guideline"!

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 A Sunday Breakfast Treat

A table for two is prepared with fresh white linens.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 A Table Setting for Two

Bought the table and linen top for $5 at a yard sale on Saturday. Two Larkin chairs for $6.50 each.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Larkin Chairs

The Larkin chairs had a paper label for Factory Number 7 on the underside of the seat pan. I love the woodgrain and staining in the quartersawn oak. I have to admire the workmanship, craftmanship, and business savvy that made it possible for this chair to come into my stewardship after all these years.
Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Larkin Seat Label

All will look fine in a New England circa 1896 sheep farm farmhouse setting. Had to try them out to enjoy their contribution to peace and serenity apart from the world's mayhem. This is Living the Moment.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Daily Walk: Reminiscing on Beautiful Things

Been trying to walk each day to burn some calories and stay limber. I have help and encouragement to do so. My petite french girlfriend who has a high level of separation anxiety gave me an imploring look to walk with me. "Oh, please, please, please, can I go with you? Will you take me out somewhere beautiful? She is very happy when I am in her immediate presence. She loves it when my hands are all over her and holding her. She is the most happy when I return from being away for a short time. I then have her total, rapt attention. Beady-eyed, euphoric, excitement. High maintenance trophy affair!  Suitable for a conservative, mid-life crisis without getting into trouble with my beloved wife.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Let's Go for a Walk!

The sunlight and dappled clouds offered lots of cloudscape pictures suitable for later use.  This summer has been an incredible weather season with sunny, bright, clear days and cool evenings.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Cloudscape

This says a little something to me today. A once great stalwart pine, with many growth rings, cut down, remaining to tell the story that it was once bigger than most. This too shall pass.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Many Growth Rings

There is still beauty and strength and adventure to be had in this chiascuro pine. I like the lighting, the depth, and the layers across the field of view. The most verdant branches in the largest pines are in the uppermost reaches where new growth begins, where there is the most space, and the sunlight is the brightest. Today's lesson.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Chiascuro Stalwart Pine

Although the colors are autumnal and faded with sparse contrast, the perspective and the reflections are compelling in this west-side stream view. There were not any migrating ducks here this morning. In the early, early morning light, this might be a good pleine-aire painting location not too distant from the house.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Arboretum Stream West End

Traveling around the east-end perspective of the stream. Another view with depth, perspective, and reflections.

Copyright James E. Martin Arboretum Stream East End

As I get to the far end of the arboretum, I always enjoy the small chapel in the wildwood. This is looking south-eastward  from the stream bed with day's end long shadows draped across the treescape. There is more than one road to take to get to where one is going. Another lesson for the day.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Chapel in the Wildwood

At my daughter' request last week, we had hosted a wine-tasting event at the house with friends for her 23rd birthday celebration. We had a soliloquy of french, italian, and spanish wines. It was fun as we listened to each other's observations and took notes. Lots of laughs. "Subtle oaken after-tones, etc." At the end of the day, a sip of 2013 french grapes from the bottom of one of the bottles.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Les Lauzeraies Tazel

And as I relax, reviewing a book, Renoir's Table: The Art of Living and Dining with One of the World's Greatest Impressionist Painters by Naudin, Charbonnier, and Saulnier, a cookbook journey with marvelous pictures and text. 

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Renoir's Table

Internet Fair Use -  Renoir's Table Book Cover

Internet Fair Use - Renoir

With my feet up. Reminiscing on beautiful things. It does my troubled heart and mind much good. If I had to pick people from history to invite to a dinner party, Renoir would be one of the finer selections for dining and dialog, I think.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Life is in the Blood: A Seven Year Journey

I am not an expert in today's subject matter. I am just a Journeyman. Just a storyteller and a witness along my path. From a particular perspective and world-view. Over the last seven years, part of my journey of self-discovery has been about my personal health.  I am dying.

But, dear Reader, that should not alarm you to any great extent. We all are. Every day, not just from the moment of conception, but from the Beginning. We are dying. From Adam. The first man. The Fall. It's been downhill ever since.

The Beginning
The Bewarning
The Beguilement
The Bewitching
The Becoming
The Bedevilment
The Banishment
The Bittering

So what is my story? Well, it's been a long time figuring things out. I ended up realizing in a physical sense, life is in the blood. We breathe in oxygen. We breathe out carbon dioxide. Our blood carries life-sustaining nutrients to our tissues and carries away the wastes and the toxins to our bodies. If we hold our breath or stop breathing, the pH of our blood turns acidic immediately, without oxygen, and loaded with carbon dioxide, creates carbolic acid. When we die, the body immediately starts to turn acidic.

Internet Fair Use - Acid-Alkaline Blood pH

The pH, or potential hydrogen, of any fluid indicates the concentration level of hydrogen ions. A neutral pH is 7. Higher, the fluid is alkaline. Lower, the fluid is acidic.

Internet Fair Use - Relative pH and Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Representative Fluids

Normal blood pH should operate in a narrow range of 7.35 - 7.45. Anything outside this small range indicates symptoms and disease. Blood pH much below 6.8 or much above 7.8 means that cells stop functioning and the person dies. Research indicates that unless the body is slightly alkaline, the cells, tissues, and body cannot heal itself. Amazing tidbits of information. But it has taken me a while to arrive at that knowledge in a personal, meaningful way.

Over the last seven years, I have had something increasingly wrong with me physically. It has been literally a Daily Walk. But there have been days when I could not walk. My blog icon shows my legs and feet in dungarees and hiking boots and raised up in repose. The first time I knew something was wrong was when I got out of bed one morning and fell on the floor. My legs would not sustain me. It had erratic symptoms.  It would come and go. Some days I would have to slide down the stairs on my butt to be safe. I had joint pain, leg and ankle pain, and bone pain. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would have frequent, routine chronic pain at a 5 - 6, occasional intense pain flareup at a debilitating ten. I couldn't exercise. I had to force myself to stretch the muscles, stretching into the pain but to little avail. The pain centers would migrate to different parts of the legs and feet. I would hobble about and sometimes have to use crutches. I would have redness, inflammation, and tenderness to the touch. I tried different shoes. Thicker socks.

Internet Fair Use - Gout and Inflammation

My dad had been diagnosed with gout at a fairly early age. Gout results from the buildup of uric acid crystals in the blood particularly in the foot joints. Dad has taken gout medication for years and then was able to eat his normal food selections. He has also had knee and hip surgery on his joints. I also thought that perhaps his condition was related to being a telephone worker and climbing telephone poles and worming his way through tight crawl spaces as an installer and repairman in his early career.  Maybe there was more to it now that I have done some research. I went to the doctor's to see if that gout-like history was manifesting in me. I did not have gout. There were no uric acid crystals in the blood. But what did I have?

Internet Fair Use -  Uric Acid Crystals in the Blood

Blood tests did reveal an acidic Ph in my blood. Acidic blood causes the red blood cells to clump together reducing their surface area, reducing their flow through the capillaries, reducing their ability to carry nutrients and remove toxins from cellular activity, and increasing the risk of clots.

Internet Fair Use - Uric Acid Heart Attacks

Conservatively, I chose not to use any medication and keep searching for the cause of my discomfort. I did research and started to use an anti-gout diet. Avoid things with purines, meat, seafood, beer, asparagus, mushrooms.

Internet Fair Use -  Acidic and Alkaline Bloods Cells

I drank a lot of natural black cherry juice, presumably the best remedy.  I experienced some minor occasional relief but not nearly enough.

I cut out most red meats, only having occasional chicken or fish. Mostly salmon. No seafood. No fried foods. No breads or wheat gluten.  No dairy products. No sweets or sugar. Stopped coffee and tea. Absolutely no foods or drinks with any corn syrup. Corn syrup or fructose seemed to be a particular inflammatory. No processed foods or fast foods.

On a trip to the mid-west to visit family, I stopped at a health food store for some vitamins or remedies against muscle cramps in my legs during the long driving periods. The lady working the store was a nutritionist and a Christian. When I described my symptoms, she asked if I was eating in accordance with my blood type. I had never heard of such a thing. She encouraged me to research it on the web. I was blood type A. She said, "Oh, you're a natural vegetarian!"  I was super-surprised and replied, "Say WHAT?!" Upon further research to her recommendation, I added a vitamin regimen and adjusted my diet even further and saw a bit more improvement but still not enough. That lady was a blessing to me because she started me on the path I needed to go. The doctors were not helping. They kept advising me to exercise to reduce my weight even further.

All they wanted to do when I couldn't walk was x-ray my feet and knees to see if I was arthritic by evaluating the distance between the bones or to see if I had a hairline fracture. No findings of either. I wanted to exercise to keep the weight down but couldn't frequently enough or rigorously enough because of the pain.

Internet Fair Use - Arterial and Venous Blood pH as a Result of Exercise

Exercise can reduce the pH of the blood making it more acidic. Perhaps due to an increase of lactic acid during muscle use. Oxygenated arterial blood is more alkaline then venous blood with lesser oxygen levels. Both become more acidic with increased exercise. And it takes longer to recover from exercise if the overall body constitution is acidic. It made it even more painful to exercise.

Upon further research, I understood there to be be two types of blood acidosis, respiratory and metabolic acidosis. I had to have one or the other or a combination. And the resultant pH could be in a range for each condition based on a blood nomogram for the conditions. I suspected metabolic acidosis overall but needed to rule out respiratory acidosis.

Internet Fair Use - Respiratory and Metabolic Acidosis Nomogram

My discomfort was worse in the morning so I postulated that perhaps I had sleep apnea, or breathing difficulties, and was not getting enough oxygen at night. If my blood turned increasingly acidic during the night with a lack of oxygen, I would have increased discomfort in the early morning. Heart attacks in one's sleep may occur due to lack of oxygen, increased heart rate or blood pressure due to acidosis, or increased acidosis of the system overall. Upon my requested testing, I did not have sleep apnea or a sleep disorder. I was advised by the doctor to continue losing weight which would improve the sleep cycle, though.

Metabolic acidosis is related to the body being unable to process food nutrients in a satisfactory manner. I was already taking vitamin supplements. The doctor had advised Vitamin D in particular. I was not seeing any improvement related to the vitamin supplements per se.  A friend gave me a circa 1970 book on acidosis. The friend recommended I find something more current though. The bottom line on its advice was to eat more vegetables. Particularly leafy greens.  With web research, I found further information on foods that are acid-producing and foods that are alkaline-producing. There were many different depictions and variations but generally one could ferret out the essential information on food sources and proper selection. I also took the position that I would have to experiment a little bit and determine what seemed right and proper for me as I measured my pH on a daily basis as well.

Internet Fair Use - Acid-producing and Alkaline-producing Foods 01

 Internet Fair Use - Acid-producing and Alkaline-producing Foods 02

Internet Fair Use - Acid-producing and Alkaline-producing Foods 03

Internet Fair Use - Acid-producing and Alkaline-producing Foods 04

Internet Fair Use - Acid-producing and Alkaline-producing Foods 05

Internet Fair Use - Alkaline-producing Foods 01

This clarified the previous diet recommendations for gout and for blood type and pushed my diet selections even further in a vegetarian direction. For six months this year, from January to June 2014, I basically went on a strict vegetarian diet. My super-foods became fresh spinach, kale, collard greens, chard, carrots, cucumbers, avocado, and lime juice.  My snack food was baby spinach leaves. Grapefruit was also recommended as alkaline-producing and I had three a day, one at each meal. I drank lots of water. Lots and lots of water. I walked 2 - 4 miles per day, this being the only exercise I could manage.

In addition to the alkaline-producing food recommendations, I bought some pH litmus paper in a health food store.
Internet Fair Use - Litmus Paper

I could measure my saliva pH and my urine pH. Green or blue and I was in an OK range. Yellow-green or yellow and I was too acidic. Before starting the alkaline-producing diet, I was always very acidic. I thought that an acidic urine was a good thing because the body was excreting the acids. Not so. If the body doesn't excrete the acids, it stores them in the fat tissue. Not a good thing. The body requires salts....sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium to buffer the acids in the body during normal metabolism and excrete them in the urine. Resulting in an alkaline urine pH. If it doesn't get the necessary salts in the diet, it robs the bones of calcium to get it. We build the calcium into the bones when we are younger. Once gone, it's gone. Leading to osteoporosis. Contrary to this knowledge, the doctors had been advising to reduce sodium salt in the diet as a heart healthy approach. An alkaline urine indicates that the body is working appropriately. Salts are required to combine with and buffer the acids. I added those four salts to my vitamin regimen. It also appeared frequently in the literature that all of the major diseases and health-related disorders come from and thrive in an acidic body environment: heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, immune deficiency, arthritis, hormone unbalance, pain, discomfort, organ degradation, joint pain, etc.

For six months, I went on a strict vegetarian diet. When folks asked, I told them I was on a special diet, "if it tasted good, spit it out!" It wasn't easy, especially at first. My breakfast was a huge salad. My lunch was a salad. My dinner was a salad. I had to determine how much spinach to eat to move the body pH in an alkaline direction. But it slowly moved over to alkaline! And when it did, my discomfort level dropped! WOW! What a finding! The measured pH was directly correlated with my pain level. But it took lots of discipline and regimen to keep the pH in the proper range.

After seven years of asking, searching, inquiring, and experimenting, I had achieved some results without medications. The more I looked for related information, the more I realized was out there. But it wasn't the doctors, nurses, corporate nutritionists, health and wellness officers, or esteemed professionals that moved me in the right direction. Frequently I received poor advice or advice contrary to what would help me. Everyone had an opinion. And a different one. Many times, it was folks who, because of pain and disease, had the imperative to seek out a healthier diet alternative that were helpful with new tidbits of useful anecdote. And they were willing to share their useful knowledge and experience.

After six months. my pain level was consistently low at about a 0.5 on a scale of 1 - 10. I inadvertently ran out of grapefruit for a week or two and my pain level dropped even more. I stopped the grapefruit in the diet. Green tea was also recommended as alkaline-producing so I added that back in as my one alternative hot drink substitute. As an experiment after six months, I relaxed my strict diet regimen a little bit to see how robust my recovery was. When going to a restaurant, I was able to order something normal on the menu without fearing a relapse of symptoms. But I realized that I didn't need as much food and that I could reduce the portions I desired. I could enjoy some other "normal" foods as a special treat, not as a routine food requirement. Some have recommended that using an "80-20 rule" is useful: 80% alkaline-producing foods and 20% acid-forming foods.

Over the last two years of this Journey, I was able to lose 20 pounds and generally maintain weight even with a fairly sedentary office-type job. The primary goal during this pain-filled interval was not to lose weight but to manage through the symptoms of pain and discomfort.

Now, my aches and pains are more related to exercise and doing projects around the house. Maybe a little due to age. I can do physical projects again. The chronic pain, inflammation, redness, and tenderness in the joints, muscles, and deep bone pain is mostly gone. The discomfort seems more related to using muscles I haven't used in a while, which is OK. Chronic fatigue and discomfort are not part of my Daily Walk.  I can bend down, and kneel. And get up again. I am occasionally unsteady on my feet but much improved. But I remember.  I guard against the acid-producing foods in the diet.  It is a daily remembrance.

I can return to a goal of weight loss. Primarily through food selection, portion control, calorie- expending exercise, and drinking lots of water.

But this Journey has made me realize that I am dying every day. Seven years ago, my body constitution changed where I was not able to utilize the foods that I normally ate throughout most of my life. But I didn't know it at the time. Seven years is a long time to undergo a cumulative disorder. I cannot yet be sure of the longer term consequences, if any. I presume there to be some.

Most of the foods we eat, especially processed foods, allow us to remain alive, maybe with too many of the wrong calories and nutrients. It is deceptive. But we assuage the hunger and move on with our fast-paced lives. Perhaps when we are younger, we can eat these processed foods without immediate consequence. But perhaps they have a longer term effect. What about the preservatives, the additives, the enrichments? The toxins. The acid-producing foods. I know many have gone down this path before me. I know many in America are overweight. There are many that are much more knowledgeable or even fanatical about these things then I am. But I have learned a lot these past seven years. I am dying while I am living. Some moments are just more eloquent in speaking the message to me about the matter then others. This is Living the Moment. This is the Daily Walk. This is part of the Journey.

We never know how much time we have left. Live each day. Live in the Moment. Don't expend energy on things and people that don't matter. Energy and Life Force is so precious to the Journey. Life is too short. This impacts my thinking and my decisions in 2014. It has been a hard road.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Judgement of Art: Further Findings

The judgement of art is subjective. Everyone has an opinion. There is great diversity and perspective in worldview and appreciation. Sometimes there is respect for that diversity. Sometimes not.

Recently reviewed a book, The Creative Artist: A Fine Artist's Guide to Expanding Your Creativity by Nita Leland.

Internet Fair Use - The Creative Artist by Nita Leland

I had postulated some principles of great art in a previous blog entry What Makes a Masterpiece. Nita outlines some further considerations that are very much related to the artist's creative expression and design of the plastic image:

In Content:

  • The Concept revealed in the image?
  • Expressed Dynamically?
  • Interesting Problem with a unique Solution?
  • Wit and Character in the Interpretation?
  • Telling what about the Artist?

In Design:

  • How Design Fundamentals are used to Express?
  • Shapes Arranged Dynamically on the Support?
  • Dominance used effectively?
  • Feeling that Nothing can be Added or Subtracted without Impairing Unity of Composition?

In Technique:

  • Effective use of the Artist's Skill?
  • Painting with Conviction?
  • Techniques well-Integrated or just Surface Tricks?
  • Expertise overshadows Meaning?
Thanks Ms. Leland for the thoughts and notes to reflect upon. There is room for my consideration herein.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Bittering: The Origins of the Artistic Endeavor and The Creative Pursuit: The Origins

In the saga of Adam and Eve, the Judgment upon all of us was that Man should die. This is a bitter end with a bitter taste. There is nothing sweet about Death. About the only time we honor Death as a Noble Cause amongst the people is when the soldier or policeman or fireman gives their life in the duty and service to others. This is part of the Noble Cause.

And the Judgment also in Life is that Man should live by his Labor in tilling the earth through the sweat of his brow to eat the fruit of the earth for daily sustainment. We must therefore eat to live and, in most cases across world history, mankind has had to live to eat. And the Judgment also assesses that Woman should endure the Pain of childbirth. The fruit of our loins, so to say, does renew us in the sense of sustaining new life from generation to generation. There is new birth and new life. And there is great joy in the conjunction of the loins, so to say. But there is physical pain for the woman associated with the begetting.

There is much activity within the endeavors of Mankind to avoid or change the Daily Labor of physical sustenance. Daily manna doesn't fall from heaven. But we have found ways to get around the labor of daily food gathering.  The gain of riches. The seeking of financial independence. The competition amongst jobs and careers and investments to gain a better salary and income and return on investment. Speculation. Better agricultural practices. The buying and selling of foodstuffs. Building bigger grain bins. Government subsidies of commodities to impact prices. Preserving the food harvest for another day. Additives, preservatives, genetic manipulation of food to increase shelf life, etc. etc.  But we still have to eat to live.

There is much activity within the endeavors of mankind to avoid or change the Pain associated with childbirth. Contraception. Cesarean section. Epidurals. Anesthetics. Surrogate mothers. Choosing not to have a family. But the human family continues to create progeny.

Fortunately, we also have a blessing of Forgetfulness. Generally, we can recover from the Fatigue of labor and from the Pain of childbirth. We don't completely forget in our fleshly humanity because we have our memories of our experiences but the actual pain and discomfort lived in the moment is not enduring. We are fortunate to have Rest from our labor and Recovery from our discomforts. We eat, drink, and are merry. There is an underlying blessing in each of these judgments of Fatigue and Pain during our lifetime, the Satisfaction in our achievements and the Joy of Children. But because of our Mortality, we take nothing with us out of this world, neither family, nor belongings, nor the fruits of our labors.

Entropy. Matter and Energy. The degradation of all things to a lower matter and energy state over time. Corruption. Decomposition. Diffusion. Nothing lost. Nothing gained. It's not to say that the Human Endeavor is not a Work In Progress. I can see what you see when we look around. We fight against the downhill ride every day. We endure our Trials and Tribulations. Although some of us are better at it then others, a Positive Outlook puts a spin on the Human Drama. The elevation and celebration of Human Potential and Achievement is touted. Look what we can do. We each have our Unique Potential. The world has it's Favorites in it's Media Heroes. In politics, business, sports, entertainment, the arts, relationships, nationalistic enterprises, and daily news. It's the Trumpet of Hope and Optimism. Look at us!

Our individual and combined humanitarian labors across the Human Endeavor are not entirely in vain in the battles against Ignorance, Disease, Disability, Divorce, Disillusionment, Disrespect, Poverty, Tyranny, Violence, Oppression, and Death. All the Evil Stuff. We seek to improve and innovate Knowledge, Science, Technology, Medicine, Government, Service to Others, and the Arts. To achieve the generally desired outcomes of equitable and shared Employment, Education, Health, Welfare, Respect for Diversity, Peace, Beauty, and Quality of Life. All the Good Stuff.

And to make the most of our fragile moments of remaining Life itself. This is the Struggle.

To Return...to what was there before the Fall.
To Rest...from our arduous Labors.
To Recover....from our Fatigues and our Pains.
To Revisit...our memories and our visions....where we have come from and where we are going, and where we want to go.
To Resuscitate...to breath life and energy into the Sources and Drains, the daily ups and downs, of the process of living and dying.
To Rehabituate...to become familiar with, accustomed to, and acclimate to the Struggle even again.
To Recapture..the Original State. Again.
And again in Portrait. Positions. Postures. Portrayals. And even Porn.
And again in Landscape. Waterscape. Cloudscape. Treescape. Mountainscape. To Escape.
And again in Still Life. Our stuff. That we make, and we have, and that we can't take with us.
And again in Abstracts. To explore the made-up realities within our heads that don't conform to the visible natural world outside.

This is the Artistic Endeavor and the Creative Pursuit within the Human Endeavor. To focus one's Life Force and Energy to recapture what was there before the Fall. And there seems to be a drive to pour our Impressions from our own individual Methods into an Expression. To do it our way. To tell our story. To be a god. To be as God. Creating. Something of Value. The essence of Life. And of Lasting Things. But it is not creating something out of nothing. That's a mockery. It is only creating from what is already around us.

To capture Innocence, Purity, Honor, Truth, Beauty, Well-being, Time, and Eternal Life.  Probably lots of other good stuff. To pass it forward. To give back. The Work-Around. The Noble Cause. The Artistic Endeavor. The Creative Pursuit. To chase the Old...what is already known. To chase the New...what is not yet known. The Original Idea.

So we each take a Trip in the long Fall. We conduct our Daily Walk along the Journey. Each in our own way, we Recover and Recapture. We seek a Redemption. This is Life.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Banishment: All Good Stories Have a Dramatic Ending

All good stories have a dramatic ending. The really great epics, though, are such that they are only a prequel to a sequel. There is always more coming.

Adam and Eve were no longer a good fit to the perfection and ease in the Garden of Eden. Their relationship with their Creator was altered. Although tritely worded and simplistically spoken on my part, it was God's game. God's rules. Break the rules, you are out of the game. Gotta move on. New game. New rules.

Thus, the banishment from Paradise. Never to return to that state of Original Innocence and Perfection. The Tree of Life, access to Eternal Life, was guarded by an angel with a sword.

This is what it feels like to be on the outside looking in.

Internet Fair Use - Gustave Dore's The Banishment

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Bedevilment: The Anguish of Grief and Loss

Following the Ashamedness that was conjoined with the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve were bedeviled with Anguish. From Milton's Paradise Lost:

"Not only tears
Rained at their eyes, but high winds worse within
Began to rise."

There was a tremendous sense of Loss. Grief. Guilt. Separateness. Aloneness. Even in the presence of each other. The first argument. The first debate. The first inquiry as to Why? Who? When? The first blame game. The first forensic investigation. The first root cause analysis. The first finger pointing.

The first Containment Action. The first Corrective Action. The First Preventive Action. The first Now What?

The first Creative Endeavor. The first Artistic Pursuit. What should we do to fix what is now broken? What do we do to recover what was lost? What do we do to amend our Grief? What do we do to regain and recapture Paradise?

Paradise. Perfection. Beauty. Truth. Honor. Purity. Peace. Innocence. Lost.

Internet Fair Use - Gustave Dore's The Bedevilment

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Becoming: Self-awareness in Context of Bigger Things

Satan, disguised as a wily Serpent, had beguiled Eve that mankind could be a god. As an equal to God. Even the Serpent wanted to achieve that endeavor. So he suggested the Tree of Knowledge. If she only had the same Knowledge as God, how wonderful that would be and how great she would become. IF she only knew. If SHE only knew. If she only KNEW. If she only knew.

Adam's Rib, of the same flesh and blood, picked the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve ate of that fruit and their eyes were opened to new, additional knowledge and discernment. Of Good and Evil. That they could Be. That they could Become. They may have been made perfect but they were not made immutable. Their eyes were opened to things unseen as yet.

And they became ashamed in this new knowledge. They knew their disobedience. Right and wrong. Good and bad. Righteous and unrighteous. Good and Evil. . They sought protection. They sought a covering. In the chiascuro events, of Light and Darkness, they hid from the Light.

But we see through the glass darkly about the Good and the Evil of this Human Endeavor. The Chiascuro event.

 Internet Fair Use - Gustave Dore's The Becoming

It has been said that, the one prevailing characteristic regarding leaders among men, is that they are self-aware. They have situation awareness. They know who they are within the context of larger things. They have proper and balanced perspective. They understand. They get it.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Bewitching: The Moment of Disobedience and Decision

All great stories have a crux, or a crossing point, around which they center.

Milton's Paradise Lost poem begins

"Of Man's first disobedience and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste
Brought death into the world and all our woe,
With loss of Eden..."

In the epic of Adam and Eve, they are each bewitched, influenced or affected, by another. Satan, in the guise of the Serpent, bewitched Eve into disobedience to partake of the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. She, in turn, bewitches Adam to partake of the same.

Internet Fair Use - Gustave Dore's The Bewitching

"Follow me. Do what I have done. Say what I am saying. Hear things in the manner I hear them. Interpret events in the manner I propose." or....

""I am independent. I am different. I do my own thing. I think my own thoughts. I seek the Original Idea. I desire to do something that no one has done before. To blaze new trails. Make new innovations and inventions. To be the first."

Would Interaction on a social level have avoided the Fall? Would Independence or Isolation have avoided the Fall? Would we, each of us, standing in Adam's or Eve's place, have done anything any different? Lest anyone blame Eve more than Adam for the first partaking.....Could Adam have not partaken of the fruit? I think not. She and he were of the the same flesh, she of Adam's Rib.

What if everything happened for a reason? What if it was meant to be? What did these events portend of the Future?

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Beguilement: All Good Stories Have a Plot That Thickens

Enter, stage center, the Serpent. All good stories have a protagonist. On who takes a leading part in a novel, drama, or story. A competitive type. The leader of a cause.

Eve, the first woman, didn't pick the fruit from the Tree of Life. Satan, a Fallen angel, taking on the form of a Serpent, beguiled her that mankind could be a god. As an equal to God. Even the Serpent wanted to achieve that endeavor. So he suggested the Tree of Knowledge. If she only had the same Knowledge as God, how wonderful that would be and how great she would become. If she only knew. Adam's Rib, of the same flesh and blood, picked the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve ate of that fruit and their eyes were opened to that other additional knowledge and discernment. Of Good and Evil. That they could Be. That they could Become.

Internet Fair Use - Gustave Dore's Innocence Beguiled

As the Story unfolds, Innocence is beguiled. All is not well within the kingdom.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Bewarning: A Cautionary Outlook

Perhaps with all great stories, there is a warning and a caution in there somewhere. A sense of impending doom. An instinct. A feeling. A sense that something is wrong. Everything is not all right with the world around us and we proceed accordingly with trepidation. Sometimes the warning is implicit in the circumstances. Occasionally, the warning may be as explicit as a verbal or written note from a messenger.

To be wary is to be on one's guard. To be careful. The angel Raphael, a messenger of God, sits with Adam and Eve and tells them of the way things are and the things to be wary of. This is the Bewarning.

Internet Fair Use - Gustave Dore's The Bewarning

There is the Admonition to Obey the counsel of the Almighty. If this were a Game, there are Rules of Engagement. As players in the Game, one is subject to the rules. It may even appear that the rules change over time. But there is an aspect to the ensuing behavior whereby Adam and Eve cannot fully comprehend, receive, nor follow the warning.

"Attend: that thou art happy, owe to God;
That thou continu'st such, owe to thyself,
That is, to thy obedience; therein stand.
This was that caution given thee; be advised.
God made thee perfect, not immutable;
And good He made thee, but to persevere
He left it in thy power; ordain'd thy will
By nature free, not over-ruled by fate
Inextricable, or strict necessity:
Our voluntary service he requires,
Not our necessitated, such with him
Finds no acceptance, nor can find; for how
Can hearts, not free, be tried whether they serve
Willing or no, who will but what they must
By destiny, and can no other choose?.....

....Under his great vice-regent reign abide
United, as one individual soul,
For ever happy: him who disobeys
Me disobeys, breaks union, and, that day
Cast out from God and blessed vision, falls
Into utter darkness, deep engulf'd, his place
Ordain'd without redemption, without end.
So spake th' Omnipotent, and with his words
All seemed well pleased; all seemed, but were not all."

And I am now mindful of Isaiah 28:11-13 regarding the trap and the snare:

11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.
12 To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.
13 But the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

This is the warning. Onward Daily Walk.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Beginning: Awakening in Innocence

As I reflect on this recent part of my Journey over the last two years and my investigation surrounding Grief, I am reminded that all good stories have a Beginning and an End.  Which makes me think of the first phrase in Ecclesiastes 7:8-14:

8 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.
10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.
11 Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is profit to them that see the sun.
12 For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.
13 Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked?
14 In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.
Dear Reader, think of your own favorite literature or movies. The Epic Story. The Noble Cause. With characters, and drama, and plots that thicken. Tragedies. Comedies. Tragic comedies. With Heroes and Villians. Leading characters. Supporting characters. About families. About famous personages. Countries. Battles. Wars. Politics. The battle between Good and Evil. The telling of History is loaded chock full of fanciful story-telling. The human drama.

The Beginning. All good stories start with one. The sun is shining. It's warm and cozy. The birds are twittering. The camera moves slowly past the Setting to give the ensuing story a context. All is well with the world. Everything is beautiful. There is a sense of confidence in the near term outlook. A feeling of mild anticipation and excitement. This is the Awakening in Innocence. Optimism. The Rosy Outlook. Perfection.

But not for long in most stories. They would be rather boring otherwise. Don't you think?

Recently, I purchased an 1884 rendition of Milton's Paradise Lost complete with fifty engravings by Gustave Dore. I recall seeing many of Dore's engravings as a child. I was amazed at the chiascaro effect of light and dark shading in the engravings from an early age. And the stories within.

Internet Fair Use -  Gustave Dore's Adam's Rib Awakens in Innocence

Milton's Paradise Lost does not start the story with the advent of mankind but rather with the Fall of the Angels and the ensuing Pandemonium. Chaos. Disorder. The differences between the Creator and the Created. The battle between Good and Evil. Power. Thrones. Dominions. Princedoms. Deceit. Intrigue.

But from our perspective, though, I suppose it always seems to start with us. We are rather self-centered in that regard. So many start the story at the beginning of Mankind. From dust we are created. To dust we shall return. The cemeteries and graves are full of quiet evidence. But I am getting ahead of myself so soon.  The story starts out in Paradise, does it not?.  Eve, Adam's Rib, is of the same flesh and blood as the first man. Adam receives his help-meet.  So at Eve's Awakening in Innocence, Adam is

"Leaning, half-raised, with looks of cordial love,
Hung over her enamoured."

We are always enamored over the Beginning of a thing.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Amazing Grace: Assurance of the Plan in Times of Change, Uncertainty, and Transition

8 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Woke up early this Sunday morning.  Mindful of this verse immediately upon waking. My Uncle Jim's favorite verse. Always and frequently quoted during times of uncertainty, change, and transition. Not some things but all things.

 Copyright James E. Martin 2005 James P. Rines Jr.

James P. Rines Jr. declared the whole counsel of God that the sheep might hear His voice. It's been nine years since his passing. He was sent to me. And I was most fortunate to have him in my life.

And from Romans 10:14-15:

14 How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

Copyright James E. Martin 2005 James P. Rines Jr. 1930-2005

Coming up on the anniversary September 28. I was fortunate to be there with him in 2005. There was a lot of change, uncertainty, and transition from September to December 2005 after his passing. I made a lot of personal and professional schedule changes to work through the uncertainties and conflicting commitments during that time. It took a lot of mental toughness and extra effort.

Jim's wife, Elaine, had gone missing on her 77th birthday a few months before Jim died. He died without knowing what happened to her. We did not find her until the following Spring 2006 when some raccoon hunter's dogs treed a raccoon on the remote and secluded edge of the city of Statesville, N.C.  Elaine's bones were at the base of the tree, on the surface, with her keys and remnants of her clothes scattered about that matched her description on the day of her disappearance. With a proper forensic investigation by the authorities, there was apparently no evidence of foul play and we were assured through DNA evidence that it was her. I visited the site afterwards with the investigator.

I believe she had been to that place of rest and respite before. She was a Carolina mountain girl. Loved the natural settings. Disliked the progress of civilization and urban sprawl. This location was away from buildings, and traffic, and the sounds of the city. But within a healthy walking distance from her home. She disliked modern medicine and health methods. Practiced natural, organic, herbal healing methods as an Appalachian woman. If she had intended to go to a natural, forested, peaceful place to die, which she plausibly could have been thinking within her value system, this would have been an appropriate setting. According to my Uncle Jim, she and he had had recent dialog's together recalling their lives and experiences together. Perhaps a mutual reminiscing of the ups and downs of a long married life. Perhaps an unloading of burdens. Perhaps some final, confessional, departing words. Perhaps a departure formulating in her mind to her but not fully disclosed to him. It is hard to say by those of us who remain behind.

Elaine was an artist. When I mowed their lawn and inspected their flower beds, there were white, goose-egg-sized rocks in her yard that matched the nearby stream bed and were scattered amongst the leaf litter on the nearby hillside of her discovered resting place. There were two fallen logs where she could sit to listen to the gurgling stream, the chattering birds, and the rustle of the wind in the leaves. There was a tree canopy above to create a cool, scattered sunlight on the clearings and ferns below. There was a black, plastic landscape bucket with spaghum moss not natural to the area. Suitable when dry to carry about and, when wet, to retain spongy water-filled sustenance while collecting forest specimens to bring home to plant in her gardens. Easier to draw and paint the specimens when they are close.  Easier to enjoy. As she was always wont to do. It may very well have been a favorite forest garden respite for her beside the still waters of a stream. I partly believe she may have gone deliberately to that place in the forest that day. She always had her black poodle doggy, Harper Angus McGregor, or Yippy, with her. Partially blinded, partially deaf, and the smartest dog I had seen to date when I took responsibility for him at my Uncle Jim's death. That day of her disappearance though, she left him behind at the house leashed up.  An unusual practice.

There are still some uncertainties and questions about her last day. Mostly about one important factoid of evidence. For instance, she worked on a cash basis and carried cash with her.  Her purse was never recovered. The one remaining fact to be ascertained. If I knew that the raccoon hunters recovered the handbag and purse but just didn't report it, then that would add to the credence of the assertion that no foul play occurred on the day of her demise. But if they truly never took the purse, then it's plausible that someone else did. Perhaps after her demise and then never mentioning it because of the scene and the money. No one would ever know if one just took the purse and left.

Or perhaps some one took it the day she died. On Social Security check day. The day she walked to her Secret Garden. The day she walked past a somewhat rough part of town to get there. The day of her demise. Maybe someone knows more. All these things and more are really another epic story.

I was so fortunate that my Mom was there to assist and to counsel with me in the ensuing months of Jim's and Elaine's passing and to have wonderful conversations with her about all sorts of things during Mom's remaining years.  My Mom was Jim's little sister. Mom was Elaine's roommate in bible college. My Mom passed away in June of this year. These are my people. Some of the nearest and dearest to my heart. The most influential in my life's work and meaning.

So as I have been traversing the valley of the shadow of death these past years....

Internet Fair Use - Psalm 23

I don't really recall grieving my people. There was so much to do along the way. I have been about Duty these past years. There was my family, my children, and my employers, my employment, and unemployment. I have been working through Discomfort and Disability to understand the underlying causes. The unforeseen infirmities invoked lapses of capability that the doctors, nurses, nutritionists, wellness officers, and health advisers were not able to diagnose or remedy with their advice. I had to get that figured out on my own. Perhaps, I now understand the causes and the fixes. I have had thirty days of relative pain-free walking. I have returned to working some projects around the house. It has been an arduous mental and physical journey. A battle within the Inner Realm. The Daily Walk. For nine years.

I think it's time to grieve. And remember. And record. And consider how these things have shaped my Path over the last several years and how they should, can, or will shape my Path forward. And then continue on the Daily Walk. Living the Moment. On the Endeavor. On the Pursuit. With Chiascaro effects. And with Duty. And on all the Projects assigned to me by Executive Sponsors. On the Journey. In a strange land.

All things work together for good....

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Last Day: My Final Thoughts

Been at my current employ for two years. Put a courtesy call into the guy that hired me since he is at another location. He is the reason I came to work for this employer. On Thursday, I had indicated to management that I was not resigning at this time, did not have a new job lined up, when I found one I would give them at least a two week notice but I was giving them a heads-up that I had made the decision for myself that the company and I were no longer a good fit and I would start looking elsewhere. I was giving them time to perhaps place me aside on a lesser project and coordinate an orderly transition in a timely manner to their benefit. On Friday, after some discussion, we negotiated the end of my employ as of yesterday. I had a unique flash start. I had a unique flash stop.

It is, to say the least, bittersweet. Good people. A novel enterprise. A noble purpose. Some innovations on how to build a business. But it is probably past the time to move on for many reasons. From the perspective of both sides, I think.  I pray the Exit meeting on Monday executes smoothly.

I know this employ was God-given. For many reasons along the way. Right from the start, I was provided for in a unique way. To some degree, it was really just a contract consultative position. Worked in a multidisciplinary manner on many things. Saw and experienced some amazing things. Gained some additional insights. Met some amazing folks. Stellar, in fact. Early on with the advice of, let's call him, my Action-Oriented Mentor, I was able to identify my next best role and responsibility in my career. My best fit. My dream job. The role I have been preparing for most of my life. It didn't have a name until he spoke it. I was able to see the future when it was spoken and discussed. But the door wasn't open at the time. It never opened over the last two years. I had ample opportunity to practice my necessary skill set throughout this employ with that objective in mind.  I was able to add some tools to my toolkit. But in an environment that was almost always blocked and impeded.  It was wonderful.

But I have the sense that something else is being prepared for me. Perhaps to practice these things again but in an environment that is not as frequently impeded. With an Executive Sponsor who has the known Demand for what I am willing and capable and motivated to Supply. Simple economics. It's just business.  I anticipate. I will seek. Perhaps with Providence, I will find. Lord, enlighten and enable the Chiascaro Path.

This also is part of my Artistic Endeavor and Creative Pursuit. These observations influence my art and my expression. Is this Symbolism? Is this Outsider Art? Today's entry is left brain-right brain-whole brain stuff. Lots of neural activity in the corpus callosum today. I am a Journeyman in a strange land.

I have been a program or project manager for many years. Those endeavors have been either strategic or tactical. I have worked at all levels of the organization at different times or at the same time to accomplish the goals or objectives of my executive sponsors. Many different businesses. Many different styles. Many different disciplines of focus. Generally, I have been successful in those project completions. Not perfect, though. Not always. Enough to feel good about. I made a difference along the way.

When I came to this company, there were many project managers doing many different things. I wanted to characterize and evaluate what I was seeing. As a program-project engineering manager early in my career and with my background as a classically trained industrial engineering-psychologist and human factors engineer analyzing the interactions of people with the objects in their environment to perform a mission, I had leveraged an organizational process model for what I will call in today's context: Project Manager C3E2.

Competency: Knowledge, Ability, Skill, Experience (KASE) of the individual contributor
Capability: The combined Competencies of the team to deliver on an objective function, team purpose, or enterprise Core Competency such as a Project or Program Management Office (PMO)
Capacity: The total throughput or flow of the Capability
Effectiveness: The degree of focus and aim of the Capability and Capacity on the target objective or mission
Efficiency: The productivity of the Effectiveness over time and the amount of Waste incurred

But what are the essential elements or Core Competencies to be measured in Project Management? There are many views and perspectives on this on the www and in the professional societies.  Some in vehement diatribes about best practices. Based on my many years of prior practice, and then at this company based on the immediate need, I quickly formulated the following mental model for the Value Flow of the project management process to evaluate what was going on around me. The plus signs denote a spigot, so to say, for Value Flow that when turned on, is a Maximize/Optimize function.  For instance, for the parameters below, let's add more Connectedness. The minus sign denotes a Value Flow spigot for a Minimize/Optimize function. For instance, when turned on, let's decrease blockers, impediments, and risks. The equal sign denotes a Target Objective function with the intent to maximize or optimize Managed Results: based on the relative contributions of the inputs.

-Blockers, Impediments, Risks
+Capture Opportunities
= +Managed Results

What does this model connote? This is a flow model. We turn the spigots, as Sources and Drains, to increase or decrease certain inputs to the model to achieve the maximum or optimized Value Flow out of the pipeline. In order to achieve maximized or optimized Managed Results, project management should adjust the faucets, the Sources and Drains, as follows:

(1) Maximize/optimize Connectedness of the Stakeholders in the organizational framework
(2) Identify, negotiate, strengthen, and holdfast to Commitments among the Stakeholders
(3) Enhance Communications among the Stakeholders in the network
(4) Increase Coordination among the Stakeholders (getting things into alignment with others)
(5) Increase Collaboration among the Stakeholders (working together)
(6) Decrease and remove Blockers, Impediments and mitigate Risks
(7) Increase the Capture of Opportunities
(8) Increase Closure. Finish. Get to Done done. Get feedback in a Retrospective. Use Lessons Learned.

My two year tenure at this company allowed me to verify and validate the use of this simple model. I was also fortunate to find some academic literature and research to back up the component elements.

A failure to do these things, meant substandard project management performance and a reduced outcome for Managed Results. A reduction in Connectedness, Commitments, Communications, Coordination, Collaboration, Capture, and Closure, as well as an increase in Blockers, Impediments, and Risks, pretty much always resulted in a lesser outcome and degraded business performance. If I couldn't "move the dial" on the inputs by adjusting the Sources and Drains, then I couldn't impact the outcome either.  I could read individuals, teams, projects, group dynamics, and the enterprise quite effectively. I knew which buttons to push. It facilitated root cause analysis. I knew what was on my console and what was on someone else's control box. Pretty much always. The review of individuals, teams, projects, and the business fit the model. I could evaluate the down-streams impacts and effects. I found it quite useful. It is how I evaluated my endgame.

So I shared a lot along the way. Coached and mentored. Personally applied the model again and again. Demonstrated personally to myself that it works. I felt like a Journeyman in a strange land. This was like the great California Gold Rush. Hordes of inexperienced travelers of various experienced professions redirecting their efforts and endeavoring to find their fortunes. A measure of mania. Of occasional panic. Of enthusiasm. Of optimism. Of confidence. Of doubt. Exhilaration. Dismay. Optimism. Pessimism. The wild-eyed roller-coaster of manic depression. All of that wonderful diversity of the human drama.

Crossing the great western uncivilized frontier by land, by sea, by rail. The wide, open expanse by foot, by horse, by wagon, by ship, by any means possible. Across parched deserts, road-less mountains, precipitous valleys, and rushing un-fordable streams and rivers. Miles and miles of fortitude and persistence required. Spending what little we have to start the journey, outfitting the teams, and plotting the journey and the way-points to achieve the final destination. The Great Frontier. The Promised Land. Freedom. Financial security. A better future. The Goldfields. To get there first. And stake the claim.

But there are costs and prices and unseen adventures to this endeavor. By Serendipity, I enjoyed the reading of Precious Dust: The True Saga of the Western Gold Rushes by Paula Mitchell Marks (1994) which influences my current imagination. Dust. Dirt. Filth. Grime. Daily living. Leaving family behind. Wearing out equipment, clothes, and shoe leather. Long periods of isolation. Trudging forward. Waiting. Occasional and sometimes frequent emergencies. Where is the fresh water hole for sustenance and refreshing? Poisoned or parched wells. Cholera. Death, disability, and disease. Sickness and health. Carcasses of people and beasts of burden lost along the way. Lack of supplies. Lack of clear access. Lack of available resources. Dialogs and disagreements among the captains of the wagon trains. Indians. Robbers and thieves. Hawkers peddling their goods. Those who serve. Those who expect to be served. Exploiters. The exploited. Beggars. Preachers. Religionists. Atheists. Agnostics. Believers. Unbelievers. Gamblers. Gamers. Opportunists. Humorists. Roughnecks and cowboys. Renegades. Megalomaniacs. Followers. Neophytes. Self-professed experts. Visionaries. Optimists. Pessimists. Artists. Families. Folks of all vintage, country, cast, and hue. Some who turn back. Some who just quietly disappear. Those who go on. Errant signs of direction from those who went before us that can lead us down the wrong path. Ships that sink. Canoes that tip over. Vehicles lost in the torrents. Portage. Ferries and tolls to pay. Discarding the supplies and preparations along the way. Curiously meeting and negotiating with the different, quiet, devout, committed Mormons as they build their righteous, eschatalogical city and offer respite to the travelers in the name of service. Gold-seekers strewing the well-traveled trail of tears with detritus along the path because they no longer have the strength or will to carry the stuff with them any further. This is the Age of Progress in the new land. The new gold. The Boom or the Bust. Technology. The Original Idea. To get there first. And stake the claim.

Lots at stake.  You buying?