Monday, December 15, 2014

Art Blog Topics: Where Do I Stand?

Artpromotivate has a list of 103 topics to build art blog content. It's a great list to start a blog, or improve a blog. I have done so much of it already. I figured they have just reviewed my blog to make the list! Only kidding. I thought I would re-iterate and slightly modify/edit the list and mark which ones I have accomplished in my two blogs, Impressionism in Idle Acres and Impressionism of the Journeyman. Also, I added a few items of my own at the end of the list.

But how best to mark them as accomplished or not? Perhaps Done to Date (In Bold) and ToDo (not Bold and italicized)?

Also, there should be a simple keyword Label associated with each line item so entries can be tracked easily by category. So I will venture those by [placing them in brackets]. Perhaps I should go back and curate all the prior blog entries to categorize and connect them better using this taxonomy.

But there are some things in the list I haven't done yet!

1.   Artists you admire and why [Artists; By Name] 
2.   Recent artifacts you are working on [Original Drawing; Original Photo; Original Painting]
3.   Why you decided to become an artist [Daily Walk; Journey]
4.   Topics about your art creation process [Methods; Instruction]
5.   Tips on art promotion [Promotion]
6.   How you choose a palette or your palette [Palette; Tips; Instruction]
7.   A slideshow of your art [Slideshow]
8.   Drawing from your sketchbook [Original Drawing]
9.   Explain inspiration or meaning behind artwork [Original Drawing/ Photo/ Painting; Meaning]
10. Write about a historical artist you admire [Artists; By Name]
11. Lessons Learned as an artist [Lessons Learned; Instruction]
12. Opinions about a post in another art blog [Opinion]
13. Highlight contemporary artists you admire [Artists; By Name; Kudos]
14. Interview artists for the spotlight [Artists; By Name; Interview]
15. Mention an art competition your are in or recommend [Competition]
16. Give your own opinions on what is true art [Opinion; Artistic Endeavor; Creative Pursuit]
17. Self critique of one of your own works [Original Drawing/ Photo/ Painting; Selfie; Critique]
18. Discuss your favorite art blogs or art books [Blog Review; Book Review; Commentary]
19.  Write a critique of another artist's work [Original Drawing/ Photo/ Painting; Critique]
20.  Write about painting and drawing techniques [Technique; Instruction]
21.  Blog your favorite artist quotes [Quotes]
22.  Quotes that inspire you [Quotes]
23.  Tips on using your sketchbook [Original Drawing; Tips; Instruction]
24.  Explain different art movements [Art History]
25.  Write about an art show you are in, past, upcoming [Event] 
26.  Your art is published in a magazine, etc. [Published]
27.  How do you explain your art to others [Elevator Speech; Instruction]
28.  How do you come up with ideas for your art [Original Idea; Original Art]
29.  Explain favorite social networks to promote your art [Interconnected; Network; Promotion]
30.  A movie or TV show that inspires you [Media]
31.  Current events in news that you feel strongly about [News; Opinion]
32.  Tips on finding a gallery [Tips; Gallery; Instruction]
33.  Places you have traveled or would like to visit [Travel; Journey; Jaunt]
34.  Favorite art supply stores and websites [Supplies; Resources; Following; Followers; Instruction]
35.  Preferred art tools Tools; Methods]
36.  Participating in art fairs (Planning, displays, setup, etc) [Fairs, Promotion; Instruction]
37.  A funny joke or story to lighten the mood [Humor]
38.  Goals and aspirations for the future [Goals]
39.  Memories from the past [Memories]
40.  Post your biography and artist statement [Profile]
41.  Create a portfolio and write about it [Portfolio]
42.  Recommendations [art school, classes, seminars, etc.] [Recommendations]
43.  How do you sign your art? [Signature]
44.  Blog about a book [Book Review; Commentary]
45.  Talk about an art technique you invented [Original Idea; Instruction]
46.  Write a post about your favorite pet [Pet]
47.  Topics about family history [Memories]
48.  Take a poll of art blog readers [Survey]
49.  How do you handle criticism [Commentary; Critique; Criticism; Instruction]
50.  Ask for a guest post [Guest]
51.  Write about a place that you grew up [Memories]
52.  Memorable childhood experiences [Memories]
53.  Review of a favorite book [Book review; Commentary]
54.  Post your art resume [Profile]
55.  Explain your preferences [pleine aire, still life, studio, photographs, etc. [Style]
56.  How has life and nature inspired your art? [Style]
57.  How to save money on art supplies [Methods; Style; Commentary; Instruction]
58.  If you have a job outside of art, talk about work [Work; Project Management]
59.  Current art news [News; Commentary]
60.  Provide lessons in art technique and procedures [Lessons]
61.  Visits to favorite galleries and museums [Gallery; Museum; Exhibition]
62.  "Selling out" as an artist [Dilemmas; Artist Block]
63.  Art exhibition visited [Gallery; Museum; Exhibition]
64.  The role of art in society [Art history; Art future; Philosophy]
65.  How to frame art [Display; Framing, Instruction]
66.  How to organize your studio [Studio, Instruction]
67.  How to decide pricing [Pricing, Instruction]
68.  Favorite You-Tube art videos [Media; Teaching; Mentoring; Coaching; Instruction]
69.  Create a video of your art or studio [Media; Instruction, Teaching; Promotion]
70.  Coping with artist block [Artist Block; Instruction]
71.  How can people buy your art? [Promotion]
72.  Share advice for emerging and aspiring artists [Instruction; Mentoring; Coaching; Teaching]
73.  Talk about artist support group you belong to [Support]
74.  Discuss art clubs and organizations to which you belong [Support]
75.  Discuss (art) classes taken [Support; Teaching; Instruction]
76.  Discuss art donations to charitable causes [Giving back]
77.  Discuss your feelings about art as a therapy [Commentary]
78.  Tips about selling art online [Tips; Instruction]
79.  Online gallery membership [Galleries]
80.  Choosing a title for artwork [Tips; Instruction]
81.  Balance studio with work, social, family, recreation [Tips; Instruction]
82.  What music do you play in background while doing art [Music; Commentary]
83.  Preferences: Pleine aire or studio [Preferences; Style]
84.  Display and write about progression of painting [Selfie; Critique; Style]
85.  Discuss art prints, the process, and how to purchase [Tips; Instruction]
86.  Outline art awards, competitions, and contests [Selfie; Kudos; Commentary]
87.  Discuss collecting artists and trading artists work [Tips; Instruction; Promotion]
88.  Stretching and preparing canvases; Packaging [Tips; Instruction]
89.  How often do you create art? [Selfie; Critique; Style]
90.  How do you do time management as an artist? [Selfie; Critique; Style; Tips; Instruction]
91.  Describe a series of your drawing or paintings [Selfie; Critique; Style]
92.  Daily painter topics [Selfie; Style; Methods]
93.  Opinion of controversial artists [News; Critique; Commentary]
94.  Painting safety and hazards [Tips; Instruction]
95.  Photoshop tutorials [Tips; Instruction]
96.  Preparing for a gallery show [Tips; Instruction]
97.  What motivates you to create (when you are not selling) [Tips; Instruction]
98.  Collaboration with other artists [Interconnected; Instruction; Mentoring; Coaching; Teaching]
99.  How to do email lists, contacts, newsletters [Tips; Instructions]
100.  How to write about art [Tips; Instructions; Style]
101.  Doing an artist website, blog, creating, updates, etc [Media; Tips; Instruction]
102.  List favorite online photo sharing sites [Tips; Instruction; Commentary]
103.  Creating an art blog [Tips; Instruction]

And then there are some of my own additions to the list....

104.  Discuss the future of art [Art history; Art future]
105.  Discuss volunteering activities [Giving back]
106.  What is the level of effort that goes into your art? [Selfie; Critique; Style]
107.  Buying new and used art [Collecting]
108.  Encouraging others to do art [Mentoring; Coaching; Tips; Instruction]
109.  Testimonials [Tips; Instructions; Teaching]
110.  Stories and anecdotes [Art history; Instruction; Commentary]
111.  Describe how art has changed the world [Art history; Commentary]

I am sure there are more items in the list for topical content in an art blog. There is lots of room for improvement. What will the future hold?

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