In the human endeavor, there are all sorts of mechanisms we use to control energy. And life force too. We conceive or borrow a singular, original idea, and then adapt, design, build, deploy, adopt, and use the mechanism. All things that are built by mankind are intended to control and direct energy and life force to an intended use and purpose. There has been an incredible amount of energy and life focus in the historical human endeavor appropriated to conceive and contrive mechanisms for more centralized control. Many times in the name of a social good and betterment for more value.
Since we don't always have the sole capacity and individual energy to accomplish all we wish to achieve, we adopt mechanisms to help us increase our leverage and to increase our personal force to control the energy and life force around us. We gain more direct control and can influence on a larger scale with our mechanisms. For better value.
And sometimes we find that is still not enough. So we enjoin others and gang where together we can accomplish more than a lone individual. For better value.
Copyright James E. Martin 2014 A Gang of One
Since we don't always have the sole capacity and individual energy to accomplish all we wish to achieve, we adopt mechanisms to help us increase our leverage and to increase our personal force to control the energy and life force around us. We gain more direct control and can influence on a larger scale with our mechanisms. For better value.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Worm Drive
And sometimes we find that is still not enough. So we enjoin others and gang where together we can accomplish more than a lone individual. For better value.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 The Gang of Two
And we find additional others through other contrivances to increase our strength to accomplish the objective if the need requires. For better value.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 The Gang of Three
And sometimes we realize that the task is beyond the capabilities and limitations of sole human exertion. We invent other power sources and alternatives to increase our strength and influence on the world around us. There seems to be an inherent quest for a bigger, faster, better, cooler, more efficient power drive. For better value.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Flywheel Drive
We arrange mechanisms to transfer our limited energy in a new direction to accomplish the purpose we set out to perform. For better value.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Fly Drive and Bevel Gears

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 Gear Teeth
I can appreciate the type of beauty in the artifacts that mankind contrives in the Artistic Endeavor and Creative Pursuit. I listen to and investigate the intents, purposes, objectives, and missions expressed by the designers and practitioners of the artifacts. These are the Originators. As an engineering psychologist, my world-view is approached through the study, analysis, and application of how humans interact with the things they create. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. There are lots of contrivances. Presumably for better value.
But amidst change and new ideas, our mechanisms may be re-factored. For any of a number of reasons, our investment in the original idea and the rationale that goes with it is set aside. Sometimes the setting aside of some things at the end of life is incidental to more important things. Sometimes the casting away or shedding of old things is deliberate because of a new, real or perceived need or want. Sometimes, the apparent imperatives in our lives are just overcome by events much beyond our control.
Perhaps we should take the time to consider re-factoring the mechanisms that we use to direct the energy and life force that is within our grasp. Usually the control mechanisms we contrive, redirect energy in a new form or direction, but they may impede the better value flow. And there may be inefficient losses and waste that are not purposeful. Perhaps we should set aside some of the mechanisms we have been using and consider it a better part of progress. There is a beauty in the old ways. But I think there is something to the point that, when we know our true selves in the context of bigger things, we become who we are meant to be. By directing and focusing our human energy on being Producers of Original Ideas rather than Consumers of ideas already conceived for control. And as a good Steward and Servant, to not bury the one Talent we may have been given but to allow our many Talents given to us to grow faithfully during the departure and absence of the Master but the gain to be accounted for and rewarded upon the Master's return. For better value.
And, for me, to humbly recognize my own human limitations. To acknowledge the Creator of all things. And to recognize my place in the Design. And to enjoy the refreshing rest by the still waters. And to live each day and hour deliberately. We live in the best of times, the best of places, and the best of history.

Copyright James E. Martin 2014 The Waterfall
Sometimes we might consider just letting the energy and life force flow in the direction and manner it was originally meant to go. What goes around, comes around. There is a time and season for things. There may be beauty to be found in the simplicity.
Just thinking on things.
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